Residency Policy and Application Requirements
Residency Regulations
Grand Valley State University requires a minimum six month domicile in the state of Michigan for consideration of residency.
Because students normally come to Grand Valley State University for the primary or sole purpose of attending the institution rather than establishing a domicile in Michigan, those who enroll in Grand Valley as non-residents will continue to be classified throughout their attendance as students unless and until they demonstrate that their previous domicile has been abandoned and a Michigan domicile established.
- A dependent student’s residency typically follows that of their parents and is not eligible for residency status. A Dependent Student is defined as a student who does not qualify as an independent student and whose parental income and asset information are used in calculating an Expected Family Contribution (see Independent Student).
- An Independent Student is defined as a student who:
- will be 24 years of age by January 1 of the aid year;
- is an orphan or a ward of the court;
- is a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces;
- is currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training;
- is married prior to filing and signing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid;
- is a graduate or professional student;
- has legal dependents other than a spouse; or
- presents to the student financial aid administrator documentation of other unusual circumstances demonstrating independence.
- The residence of a student who otherwise would be classified as a nonresident will follow that of his or her spouse if the spouse is classified as a resident, after the student has met the six month domicile requirement.
- Non U.S. citizens who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States shall not, by reason of that status alone, be disqualified from classification or reclassification as a resident. However Non U.S. citizens who are present in the United States on a temporary or student visa shall not be eligible for classification or reclassification as residents.
- The following facts and circumstances, standing alone shall not constitute sufficient evidence of domicile to effect classifications as a resident:
- Ownership of property in Michigan
- Presence of relatives (other than a parent for a dependent student) in Michigan
- Payment of Michigan income or property taxes
- A statement of intention to acquire a domicile in Michigan
- Possession of a Michigan driver’s license or automobile registration
- Employment in any position normally filled by a student
- The lease of living quarters
- Voting or registration for voting
- Enrollment in a Michigan high school, community college or university
- Domicile in Michigan of a student’s spouse
- Individuals who are on active duty service in the U.S. military, reservists of the same or U.S. veterans and their spouses or dependents are considered residents for tuition purposes.
- Certain individuals may be eligible for consideration as resident student if they graduated from a Michigan high school after attending three years and are not legal residents of the United States. This eligibility extends for 28 months following high school or community college graduation.
For complete Grand Valley State University Residency policy.
Please contact the Registrar's Office at (616) 331 3327 or email with questions regarding residency.
Residency Applications Requirements
- Complete the appropriate application for reclassification as a resident student.
- Provide copies of any other documents which support your claim of residency in Michigan for at least six months
- Although not necessarily conclusive evidence of domicile examples might include:
- papers of home ownership in Michigan/rental agreement
- military commitments in Michigan
- license as practicing professional in Michigan
- Reliance upon Michigan sources for financial support
- Domicile in Michigan of family, guardian or other relatives legally responsible for the student.
- Acceptance of an offer of permanent employment in Michigan
- Applications received without documentation will not be reviewed for residency.
- Although not necessarily conclusive evidence of domicile examples might include:
- Attach a written statement that would describe the circumstances that you wish to have considered with this appeal.
- Return all documents to the Registrar’s Office, Grand Valley State University, Allendale MI 49401
- Applications for reclassification received prior to the 11th calendar day of the semester may be considered for the current semester.