Students of Color

Questions to Consider When Narrowing Down Programs

  • What is the current status of race/ethnic relations in this culture? Is there any local community that shares my heritage – and what are my feelings about having or not having such a community available to me? Are there local stereotypes or discrimination regarding individuals of my background that might be similar to or different from what I’ve experienced in the U.S.?
  • What are the implications of studying in a location that is (or is closely linked to) my family’s country of origin? If I choose this experience, how are “heritage” students perceived by the host culture? What expectations do I have of the experience?
  • What are the implications for my experience of studying in a “third” culture (neither related to my heritage nor the U.S.)?

Personal Anecdotes

Diversity Issues in Study Abroad, Brown University

A compilation of first-person accounts by Brown University study abroad students from a variety of backgrounds on issues and experiences related to identity, ethnicity, gender, and race they encountered while abroad.

Race Abroad Acclimation Guide

Black and Brown Abroad

The Padnos International Center believes study abroad is a profound experience that should be accessible to everyone. PIC works to support students from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.  

Students looking for additional information or who are interested in connecting with students of color who have participated in study abroad can contact the Padnos International Center. If you identify as a racial or ethnic minority who is about to venture abroad, you may have some specific concerns that you would like addressed. To do so, please consider contacting Study Abroad Adviser, Meaghann Myers-Smith.

Alternatively, the following are a few resources that may help you address these concerns:

Changing the Face of Study Abroad

An article by the Chronicle of Higher Education regarding the topic of increasing racial and ethnic minority participation in study abroad.

Diversity Abroad Website

A list of scholarships for students of color. Be sure to also research other scholarships as well!

Black Excel

A large scholarship database for students of color

Race & Ethnicity Abroad

A list of resources outlining the dynamics of race and ethnicity in various countries, courtesy of the Office of International Education at the University of Colorado - Boulder.

Scholarships for Students of Color


Check out these videos of students of color that have been abroad tell their stories!


Asian American Experience Abroad

Breaking Barriers Video: Non Traditional Students Before and After Study Abroad

Share your story!

Have you studied abroad already? You did it! We want to hear about your story. Please contact PIC and share it so that future study abroad applicants can read about your adventures, the trials you faced, as well as the advice you have!

Page last modified August 14, 2023