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A Grand Day at a Time Endowed Scholarship
This fund provides financial assistance to students who otherwise would not receive help with the cost of their education.
Aaron M. DesRocher Memorial Chemistry Endowment Fund
Assists enthusiastic upper level chemistry majors with finishing their educational journey with a minimum of educational debt.
Academic and High-Impact Opportunities Support Program Fund
Assists students who will be the first in their families to graduate from college or who have a limited income with opportunities like leadership development, internships, or graduate school exploration.
Accounting Alumni Scholarship Fund
Assists accounting majors with a high GPA and a high ACT score.
Ada Council for the Arts Rebecca Vogelsang Memorial Scholarship
This fund assists first year students who are residents of Michigan majoring in fine arts or dance.
Adam M. Malson Memorial Scholarship
This fund is to assist a student in Political Science or International Relations with the cost of their education.
African-American Studies Internship Endowment
To assist students in the African & African American Studies Program with an unpaid internship at nonprofit organizations in Kent County with preference given those completing internships in Grand Rapids.
AI-empowered Software for Community Strategic Planning Fund
This fund supports AI-driven software that enhances communication, cuts costs, and minimizes face-to-face meetings. It streamlines strategic assessment, planning, and redesign for large stakeholder groups managing complex systems.
Alayont Undergraduate Research Fellowship in Mathematics
Established by Dr. Feryal Alayont to honor the memory of her father, Ramazan Alayont, the fund is for students pursuing rigorous, independent scholarship mentored by a faculty member.
Albert S. & Ella D. Koeze Art Scholarship
Provides financial assistance to students majoring in fine arts.
Alexander Calder Honors Scholarship
Benefits students in any discipline of the fine arts.
Alison McManus Walters '73 Fostering Success Scholarship
This fund provides financial assistance to foster youth and ensure that financial need does not become a barrier to intellectual and personal growth with pursuing a degree at GVSU.
Alt-Marsiglia Scholarship Fund
This fund assists students living on campus and majoring in any science field.
Alternative Breaks Fund
Supports organizing and executing volunteer service trips that deal with a wide range of issues that vary from Affordable Housing to Youth and Wishes.
Alumni Association Presidents Leadership Endowed Scholarship
Award is given to students who work to build lifetime leadership skills while earning a degree at GVSU.
Amanda Kate Cohen Memorial Social Work Scholarship
This need-based scholarship will assist seniors pursuing a Bachelor of Social Work.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Student Org
Andrew S. Abler '78 Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Endowed Scholarship
Supports students pursuing degrees in STEM.
Anita L. Lewis Movement Science Endowed Scholarship
Anita M. Gilleo Endowment for the Mathias J. Alten Catalogue Raisonne'
To be used for the ongoing maintenance and additions to the Mathias J. Alten Catalogue Raisonné by GVSU.
Ann M. Dilley Jewelry/Metalsmithing Scholarship Fund
This fund assists students with a passion for metalsmithing arts.
Annis Intern
Competitive summer semester internships to students from any discipline who will conduct research at Annis Water Resources Institute during their undergraduate tenure.
Anthropology Lab Fund
Supports hands-on instructional learning for students and research space for both faculty and students to conduct individual and university oriented research.