Resources for Work and Life

The following is a comprehensive list of resources both on campus and in the community regarding your work and life needs. Whether you are struggling or wanting to continue to learn and grow, this is your one-stop-shop to learn about all the resources available to you. You are cared for and there is a place for you! 


Grand Valley Flyover

Navigate Program: Resources and Support Overview

This is an overview of all the resources available to you as a faculty and staff member. If you would like to see 15-minute videos on each of the topic areas for resources and support, you can visit our YouTube channel for further information.

Navigate Program : Click on the pictures within this linked PDF to navigate directly to your resources.

Wellness Plan Form: Utilize this planning document to help outline your individual wellness plan.

Navigate Video Series: Access 15-minute guided video tours of your resources and key contacts.

Addressing Student Needs

All faculty and staff have a shared interest in supporting and nurturing students. There are many resources available to support student needs. Information listed below is intended to empower faculty and staff in learning how to provide support to students. Note this list is not comprehensive.

What Resources Are Available to Support the Students?

Academic Concerns : This tool serves as a visual to better understand the areas related to student success. Awareness of the factors that influence persistence can assist students in matching their needs with available campus services. Faculty, staff, and family members can use this resource to help students articulate current barriers and provide next steps. Students can also use this guide, in combination with the Blueprint for Student Success, for self-reflection and goal-setting to support a balanced college experience.

Addressing Classroom Behavior: In addition to providing a first-class education to GVSU students, faculty are responsible for creating a safe and welcoming environment in their classroom. This document will provide some tools and resources to help you in difficult situations.

Addressing Students of Concern: As a faculty or staff member at GVSU, you may be the first to recognize that a student is struggling. Our environment encourages faculty and staff to show care and concern for students. Please check in with them to see how they are doing. There are times when a quick check-in may not be enough and you discover more support is needed. When more support is needed, GV Cares* is an online referral system where trained staff will review each referral and provide appropriate outreach and resources.

Lifelong Learning on Tap is an informal program that connects great people and great ideas at interesting locations. Yes, you may have guessed it, we meet at a local brewery for a casual conversation about campus and community resources related to a particular theme. We invite a University resource and a community resource to each share about five minutes of interesting information related to the topic. Then the rest of the time is spent asking questions or just connecting with other attendees.

Disability Support Resources: The mission of Disability Support Resources (DSR) is to provide support resources and accommodations that enhance the environment for persons with disabilities and to help educate the university community on disability issues. DSR strives to provide persons with disabilities with the resources needed to be successful as a student, staff or faculty member through innovative approaches and effective collaborations.

Campuses nationwide have experienced an upward trend in student mental health needs. A recent survey indicated that less than 7% of Grand Valley faculty feel very well equipped to address student mental health concerns, and over 70% believe that access to information to manage those concerns from their office, home, or classroom would be helpful. The University Counseling Center has developed a mobile application to support faculty and staff as they encounter student mental health needs and emergencies that may arise. The app:

  • Addresses anxiety, panic attacks, depression, suicidality, threatening behavior, unusual behavior, and a variety of other student mental health issues 
  • Provides a brief description, an informational video, warning signs, and appropriate ways faculty and staff might address each mental health concern 
  • Includes an “I Have an Emergency” button at the bottom of each page, which outlines what constitutes an emergency and emergency procedures both on- and off-campus
  • Offers a variety of classroom techniques to foster student mental health and emotional resilience
  • Answers frequently asked questions, including those about confidentiality, Counseling Center wait times, and concerning student emails
  • Links faculty and staff to applicable support resources across campus and within the local community

For more information about how to download and use the app, please watch this brief University Counseling Center video.

Nutrition : Review nutrition resources available to students at GVSU.

Promoting Student Well-Being at GVSU: As faculty and staff, we play a critical role in promoting student health and wellbeing. To create a campus environment that positively promotes student wellbeing, the entire campus community needs to be involved. Recent data shows that our students have health concerns that are affecting their ability to be successful.  In a 2018 National College Health Assessment Survey, GVSU students reported various factors which have impacted academic performance.

Recovery Meetings  (on campus): Although not affiliated with the ACES office, there are a number of AA/NA/ACA/SMART recovery meetings either on or near campus which the ACES staff can help recovering students connect with. Meetings on-campus are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members who have a desire to stop using alcohol or other drugs. View the full Recovery Meeting schedule.

Replenish: Replenish is the newly improved food resource for all students who face financial obligations/struggles that compromise their food access.

Replenish, provides food and personal care items to meet the short-term challenges that students may face when unable to purchase such items.  Obtaining an adequate food supply is often a major component of financial stress and research has proven that inadequate nutrition decreases academic performance. 

Request an Outreach: University Counseling staff members are available to lead or collaborate on a variety of presentations, programs, and events across the campus. If your group of students or campus organization would benefit from outreach programming, please submit a request. Outreach programming is available on the Allendale campus, but may be available on our satellite campuses as well.

You are invited to use the online on-demand outreach request system. If you see a need among the students that you serve or would like to take a proactive approach to student health and safety, we can help! To submit a request, please visit the Outreach and Events pageThere, you will find a complete list of programs available through the Center, a calendar of Center activities, and an online request form. Note that we do take special requests for programs not listed!

Title IX: A Guide to Reporting Sexual Misconduct & Sexual/Gender-Based Harassment: During your time as an employee at Grand Valley State University, a student or fellow employee may disclose an experience of sexual misconduct & sexual/gender-based harassment to you. This document will guide you on how to respond, what your reporting obligations are, and ways to take care of yourself and your Laker community.

What If I Am Concerned for Student's Well-Being?

Alcohol and Other Drugs Campus Education Services (ACES): The ACES mission is to educate students to make healthy life-long decisions regarding alcohol and other drugs while shaping a community committed to reinforcing safe, smart, and responsible use. Their philosophy focuses on harm reduction and building awareness about making healthy and safe choices regarding alcohol and other drugs. Drinking behavior on campuses include abstinence, safe and responsible drinking, binge drinking and dangerous drinking.

Emergency Support Information : The University Counseling Center is an available resource for students experiencing an urgent situation or crisis.

Faculty and Staff Regarding Concerns of Students: Faculty and staff members often interact with students on a daily basis and may be the first to notice a student's interpersonal difficulties, problems in academic performance, or be informed by other individuals about a student having problems. Also, students may seek out faculty and staff members for advice or assistance when they feel distressed, anxious, and/or depressed. Please review the following information to learn how the Counseling Center can help you.

  • File a care report: This form is intended to encourage faculty, staff, and students to voluntarily refer a student who may be struggling with academic, personal, or emotional difficulties or who may exhibit concerning behavior.  Please provide detailed information regarding the concern you are reporting.  
  • Request a red folder training: Do you want to feel better prepared to handle emergencies or difficult situations? The member offices of the Behavior Team are available to provide training to your offices/department
  • Request an Outreach: University Counseling staff members are available to lead or collaborate on a variety of presentations, programs, and events across the campusIf your group of students or campus organization would benefit from outreach programming, please submit a request.

Recovery Meetings (on campus): Although not affiliated with the ACES office, there are a number of AA/NA/ACA/SMART Recovery meetings either on or near campus which the ACES staff can help recovering students connect with. Meetings on-campus are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members who have a desire to stop using alcohol or other drugs.

Student Conduct, Intervention and Support: File a referral for an academic integrity violation, alcohol and drug referral, student conduct/ misconduct, student organization misconduct, sexual violence, bias incident, discrimination/ harassment, or care report. Brochure for DSR services.

Student Ombuds: The Student Ombuds strives to promote fairness and foster a positive campus environment by assisting students with conflict resolution and problem-solving related to their university working, learning or living experiences.

Culture and Spirituality

Inclusion and Equity: Through collaboration, consultation, and leadership with students, faculty, staff, administrators and community partners, the Inclusion and Equity advances GVSU’s social justice framework for equity and inclusion. The department coordinates sustainable and strategic institutional efforts to engage all members of the community while also intentionally supporting and advocating for historically underrepresented communities. Their work furthers the university's liberal education and student-centered mission. Initiatives include: Center for Women and Gender Equity, LGBTQ Resource Center, Campus Interfaith, Office of Multicultural Affairs, and much more. 

Community Resources: Grand Valley State University is committed to recruiting and retaining diverse faculty, staff, and students. We want our employees to be able to bring their full selves to our community and find belonging both inside and outside of our institution. This page is full of helpful diverse resources both on and off-campus.

Faculty and Staff Affinity Groups: The Division of Inclusion and Equity, in partnership with the Human Resources Office, is proud to support our employee affinity groups. These groups host meaningful events, engage in mentoring, and foster community among our underrepresented and diverse faculty, staff, and student populations. 

Interfaith Affinity Groups: These interfaith affinity groups provide safe and engaging spaces for you to meet people of different faith traditions or worldview while enjoying some of your favorite activities. Click on one of the groups below to begin the fun adventure of making some new friends! 

Elder Care

Age Wise: Age Wise is a community resource. Age wise missions is to  offer an educational free service which allows you to easily access health care resources that are best suited to your elder loved one.

Care Patrol: This is a free community service that helps people navigate nursing home care.

Crossroads: Crossroads is a community resources with the mission to educate families on all of their options for senior housing, care and resources in Greater Grand Rapids, Lansing, Kalamazoo, Holland, Grand Haven and Muskegon.

MMAP, Inc. – Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program: This is a non-profit that helps to answers individual’s questions about medicare and Medicaid. It is a free resource.

Emotional and Mental Well-Being

In a time of constant change, we could all use a little extra support. Through myStrength, you can access courses, activities and other resources to help you:

  • Reduce stress
  • Manage anxiety and depression
  • Improve sleep
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation
  • Navigate life’s challenges

Create An Account
Set up for free account at using the access code: priorityhealth. From there, you'll be prompted to answer a few confidential questions about what's on your mind, and then your personalized account will be ready to use.

Download the Mobile App
Download the myStrength mobile app to check-in with yourself on a daily basis, complete activities to reach your emotional wellness goals, and get reminders to help you stay on track.

Employee Assistance Program: Faculty and staff also have access to Encompass, a third party employee assistance program (EAP) which offers 24/7 crisis support, consultation, and coaching. Faculty and staff have seven free sessions as a GVSU benefit. Visit Encompass: My Life Expert and create an account using GVSU's company code (GVSUNI) to view the resources. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-788-8630. Review your complete list of Encompass benefits including mental health counseling, work/life resources, personal assistants, medical advocacy and financial/legal resources. Learn more about Encompass benefits and how to create a My Life Expert account.

This document outlines a number of resources available for faculty, staff and family members. 

Behavioral Health Teletherapy: Mental health affects 1 in 5 adults each year, but help is just a phone call away. As a Priority Health member, you have access to behavioral health teletherapy through the Spectrum Health Now app! Talking with an expert can help you work through and manage stress, worries, anxieties and other matters. Spectrum Health is just one of the virtual health providers accepted through Priority Health. Members can always talk to their in-network provider to see if they offer virtual care. To learn more about mental health, review the Priority Health toolkit. For more on teletherapy, view the Spectrum Health flyer.

Grand Valley State University is committed to recruiting and retaining diverse faculty, staff, and students. We want our employees to be able to bring their full selves to our community and find belonging both inside and outside of our institution. This page is full of helpful diverse resources both on and off-campus.

GVSU Mental Health and Well-Being Index: During uncertain times, many people experience a wide range of emotions and behaviors. Many factors contribute to how you may be feeling, including social, financial, interpersonal and systemic stressors that can negatively impact your mental and emotional well-being. Wherever you are on the continuum of mental health and well-being, from feeling vaguely uneasy to experiencing a crisis (for you or someone else), Grand Valley has resources to help. This online resource serves as a toolbox to assist anyone in the eight categories of wellness: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical, occupational, social, and spiritual.

GVSU has a designated social worker to assist in finding in-network behavioral health providers, navigating the behavioral health system, coordinating your care, and connecting you with resources to help you be at your healthiest.

Register a Disability: Disability Support Resources (DSR) provides assistance to students, faculty and staff who have disabilities. Learn about the process and review the Faculty and Staff accommodation Policy.

Responding To and Supporting a Distressed Colleague: Responding to Distressed Colleagues is a tool for faculty and staff to help support each other. 

Kindness counts at GVSU – spread positivity with some Kindness Cards!

Family and Child Care

Grand Valley has resources and support available to you to encourage you during this time in your life.

There are child care options available to you on campus and in the community:

  • The Children's Enrichment Center is located on Allendale’s campus with the mission is to educate children, families, and students to shape their lives and societies in order to nurture habits of intellectual growth, curiosity, and a love for learning.
  • GRCC Child Care Center accepts applications for families.
  • To search online for child care near you, go to the Encompass My Life Expert webpage and login or register for a new account using the company code: GVSUNI. Click on the location icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page (next to the search bar), choose "Child care" as your topic of interest, enter your desired location, and you will be provided with child care phone numbers and locations. You can also call Encompass (Employee Assistance Program) at 1-800-788-8630.

Flexible Work Arrangements: Work-life balance means people have a measure of control over when, where and how they work. GVSU recognizes the importance of our staff members maintaining this balance to retain a healthy lifestyle. In an effort to maintain this balance, GVSU strives to provide flexible work arrangements (FWAs) in appropriate areas.  

Grief and Loss Support for Pet Owners: Have you lost a beloved pet? There are resources, books, and support groups available.  

Infant Changing Stations: See the attachment for a compiled list of all infant changing station locations on both Allendale and Pew campuses.     

New Parent Bingo: In an effort to make learning about the support available fun, relevant, and interactive, we have created a voluntary Parent Bingo activity. Learn about the resources and support available to you by working through this bingo sheet. Pick the ones that are most relevant to you. Some will have questions to answer(s), and others just require a signature. When completed, simply email a picture and receive additional swag.

Submit a New Parent Bingo Card

Rooms for Nursing : GVSU is striving to make it easier for those who nurse to maintain breast-feeding after returning to work or school by providing private and comfortable rooms. In addition to the on campus resources listed below, a comprehensive list of local and community Breastfeeding Resources are available. 

Feedback on Rooms for Nursing 
All results are tracked and reviewed quarterly. If you would like a follow-up email on your feedback please email with subject line Rooms for nursing mothers.

Women's Commission: Grand Valley’s Women’s Commission is committed to their legacy of creating dialogue, celebrating women's leadership, and exploring issues of advocacy. They offer, resources, and opportunities and welcome people to join.

Financial Health

As part of your Employee Assistance Program benefit, Encompass offers financial assist, which provides a telephonic consultation with a financial professional qualified to advise on a range of financial issues. Call Encompass Employee Assistance Program, Encompass, at 1-800-788-8630.

Fidelity and TIAA CREF offer webinars regarding financial health for a list go to the events page.

There is on site individual financial counseling available through TIAA and Fidelity.

Legal Assistance

GVSU’s Employee Assistance Program, Encompass, offers the following supports:

ID Recovery: Provides a free telephonic consultation with an ID recovery professional. The program also provides a 25% discount on Enhanced ID Recovery, whereby the specialist not only provides  a consultation, but also handles the paperwork and negotiations on your behalf. Call Encompass at 1-800-788-8630.

Legal Assist: Provides a free half-hour consultation with an attorney on most legal issues. In most cases, discounted rates are available if further legal representation is required. Call Encompass at 1-800-788-8630.

Physical Health and Well-Being

A number of opportunities are available to support faculty and staff in maintaining and achieving their movement, fitness and nutrition goals:

Professional and Career Development

Network Communities: There are opportunities for faculty and staff to connect around personal and professional interests. Find out more about network communities that might fit you.

The Pew Faculty Teaching and Learning Center (FTLC) promotes a scholarly approach to teaching and learning, supporting reflection on professional practice, encouraging growth at all career stages, and rewarding innovation in teaching. The FTLC team responds to the needs of our faculty and the campus community. Their programs and services foster dialog and community-building around teaching and learning, and they strive to provide a broad range of programs in order to serve faculty, regardless of rank or career stage. Review the New Faculty Orientation and Resources page to learn more.

Professional Development @ GVSU: At GVSU, professional development is comprised of a continuum of opportunities—internal and external to the University—which expand or enhance competencies and capabilities that contribute to GVSU’s mission. Professional development (PD) includes the pursuit/acquisition of skills, attitudes, or knowledge which is reasonably connected to the mission of the University. Such pursuits would include training, conferences, degrees, certifications, or experiences directly related to one’s current—or reasonable next—job within the University. Professional development includes more than training or classroom style events. Job rotations, shadowing, stretch assignments, communities of practice, coaching/mentoring relationships, conferences, travel, and service projects can all be vehicles for professional development.


Outdoor Adventures at GVSU: The Outdoor Adventures Program is a branch of Recreation and Wellness and offers a variety of programs and services, including rock climbing workshops & training, outdoor trips, gear rental, on-campus events, self-service maintenance, bike parts sales, and bike valet.

Special Needs and Caregiver Support

This section provides resources for case management, community and caregiver resources. Below are a few organizations that may be helpful:

Substance Abuse Education and Support

Alcohol & Other Drugs Services philosophy focuses on harm reduction and building awareness about making healthy and safe choices regarding alcohol and other drugs. AOD programs focus on providing a variety of quality services in three main areas: Prevention & Education, Intervention, and Recovery. Download the Faculty/Staff Guide to the AOD Handbook for additional resources and information.

Employee Assistance Program : Encompass is GVSU’s employee assistance program. Encompass can provide support in getting into treatment for substance use or pursuing outpatient counseling for substance abuse. Encompass also takes referrals from supervisors for concerns of substance abuse with employees. 

Recovery Meetings (on campus): Although not affiliated with the ACES office, there are a number of AA/NA/ACA/SMART recovery meetings either on or near campus which the ACES staff can help recovering students connect with. Meetings on-campus are open to students, faculty, staff, and community members who have a desire to stop using alcohol or other drugs. View the full Recovery Meeting schedule.

Resources for Technology

Contact Computer Technology Assistance Corps: Request a laptop for as little as $120 from Computer Technology Assistance Corps (CTAC).

Computers With Causes: This non-profit organization has free laptops available to those who are students, military veterans, or those who have a financial need.

Free Cycle: This is a great website where people can donate items and receive donated items locally.

Notebooks for Students: A site created by students to help students find laptops at deep discounted prices.

Contact PC's for People: This is a non-profit organization that gives complimentary laptops and low-cost internet services to qualifying recipients.

United Way Worldwide: Provides assistance on a huge range of topics through its 2-1-1 program. It connects you to the resources you need locally. The 2-1-1 service is totally free to use and is confidential as well. You can use the service to get help finding a free or low cost laptop in your area.

Page last modified June 9, 2021