Maintain your immigration status

All F-1 and J-1 students must make sure to be registered full-time, update their address, and obtain a travel signature when leaving the United States in order to maintain their immigration status. For more information on these important regulations and work authorizations, please see below.

Full Time Enrollment

In compliance with the United States Citizenship, Immigration and Naturalization Service, (USCIS), Undergraduate international students are required to carry no fewer than 12 credit hours each semester and have two semesters to achieve a 2.00 grade point average. Graduate international students are required to carry no fewer than 9 credit hours each semester and have one semester to achieve the appropriate grade point average. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in dismissal from Grand Valley State University and USCIS will be notified that the student is out of status.

F-1 iStudents can be authorized for a Reduced Course Load (RCL) for only two reasons:

  1.  Students who are in the final semester of their program and have less than a full-time course load remaining need to be authorized with Immigration for a RCL. Students should be certain that they will indeed complete their program during the semester for which they have requested an RCL since an RCL cannot be authorized two semesters in a row and the student's SEVIS record will be shortened to reflect their indicated graduation date. 
  2. Students who are experiencing an illness or medical condition that inhibits their ability to attend classes. Students in this situation need medical documentation from a licensed Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, or Clinical Psychologist.

If you'd like to put in a request for a reduced course load, please click the reduced course load button below:

Reduced Course Load

Online & Hybrid Classes

Online Courses

International Students are permitted to take 1 class (3 credits) maximum that is taught in an online format, if taking the minimum courseload. See examples below for both Graduates and Undergraduates. 

Hybrid Courses

For immigration purposes, GVSU considers a hybrid course in-person if the class meets in-seat for at least 25% of the time (approximately 4 weeks of in-person meeting in a standard semester). See examples below for both Graduates and Undergraduates. 

Multiple Delivery Courses

Some courses at GVSU are offered in a format called Multiple Delivery (MDFX, MDFL). If a student is registered for one Multiple Delivery course and no other online courses that semester, they can choose to attend in-person or online and stay in compliance with the international student enrollment regulations. In the case that an international student is registered for a Multiple Delivery course and another online course during the same semester, the international student must commit to attending the Multiple Delivery course fully in-person by submitting the Multiple Delivery Attestation form. When attending this way, the course is considered in-person for immigration purposes. 

Graduate Students

G​​​​​​raduate students must take at least 9 credits each Fall & Winter semester

  • At least 6 of those credits must be in-person
  • 1 class (3 credits) maximum can be taught in an online format, if taking the minimum courseload of 9 credits
  • a hybrid course is considered in-person if it meets in person at least 25% of the time (approximately 4 weeks of in-person meeting in a standard semester)
  • If taking more than the minimum courseload (more than 9 credits), the additional credits can be online


  • 9 credits: 6 credits in-person, 3 credits (1 class) online ✔ permitted
  • 9 credits: 3 credits in-person, 6 credits (2 class) online ✘ not permitted
  • 12 credits total: 6 credits in-person, 6 credits (4 classes) online ✔ permitted
  • 12 credits total: 3 credits in-person, 9 credits online ✘ not permitted


Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate student must take at least 12 credits each Fall & Winter semester

  • At least 9 of those credits must be in-person
  • 1 class (3 credits) maximum can be taught in an online format, if taking the minimum courseload of 12 credits
  • a hybrid course is considered in-person if it meets in person at least 25% of the time (approximately 4 weeks of in-person meeting in a standard semester)
  • If taking more than the minimum courseload (more than 12 credits), the additional credits can be online


  • 12 credits total: 9 credits in-person, 3 credits (1 class) online ✔ permitted
  • 12 credits total: 3 credits in-person, 9 credits (3 classes) online  not permitted
  • 15 credits total: 9 in-person, 6 online ✔ permitted
  • 15 credits total: 6 in-person, 9 online not permitted

F-1 iStudents can be authorized for a Reduced Course Load (RCL) for two reasons:

  1.  Students who are in the final semester of their program and have less than a full-time course load remaining need to be authorized with Immigration for a RCL. Students should be certain that they will indeed complete their program during the semester for which they have requested an RCL. An RCL cannot be authorized two semesters in a row since the student's SEVIS record will be shortened to reflect their indicated graduation date.
  2. Students who are experiencing an illness or medical condition that inhibits their ability to attend classes. Students in this situation need medical documentation from a licensed Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, or Clinical Psychologist.

Processing Time: An RCL form can be submitted at any time but they will be processed as follows: 

  • Medical Reduced Course Loads are expected to take about 1 week (5 business days) to process
  • Final Semester Reduced Course Loads are only processed at the beginning of each semester
    • Fall processed late August through mid-September
    • Winter processed in January

Exceptions to Full-time Enrollment

Students who are in either of the following situations can be enrolled in less than the minimum credits required by Immigration but still be considered full-time:

  • Full-time CPT is considered as Full-time enrollment
  • Students enrolled in and one of these Thesis/Masters Project/Capstone courses are considered Full-time:
    • EGR 693, EGR 695, EGR 686

Change of Address

Federal Requirements: United States immigration law requires the reporting of a change of address within 10 days of the move, even if it is changing apartments within the same complex. 

Reporting Change of Address: Grand Valley students must report their change of address in three ways:

  1. On Grand Valleys myBanner which we use to update SEVIS
  2. To the US Postal Service (optional, most helpful for off-campus residents)


Travel Signatures
Any student wishing to leave the country for either travel or vacation must have a valid travel signature on their I-20 or DS 2019. Signatures are valid for one year from the indicated date. Students traveling to Canada or Mexico are encouraged to have their documents signed within 6 months of travel. If you are interested in visiting Canada and/or Mexico, you should visit the Canadian and Mexican embassy websites before traveling to check visa requirements. 

Request Travel Signature
Travel advice from Immigration

Absences & Late Returns

  • Returning F-1 and J-1 students should be present for the entirety of the semester to maintain their immigration status. Any late returns or short-term absences should be cleared with each of the Faculty teaching their courses in advance of the absence. It is up to the Faculty's discretion if they permit the absence and are willing to provide alternate methods of evaluation or other acommodations. Additionally, absences longer than a couple of days need to be discussed with the ISS Team to ensure the absence does not cause any immigration complications.
  • New F-1 and J-1 students are not permitted to join GVSU in-person later than the first Friday of the semester (the add/drop deadline). See Important Dates for New Students

F-1 Work Authorization

F-1 students are only at eligible to work at GVSU without any additional immigration authorization as follows:

  • Maximum 20 hours per week during the regular semester (Fall & Winter semesters)
  • Maximum 40 hours per week during breaks (Spring Break, Winter Break, Spring/Summer semesters)

For information on work authorization off campus BEFORE graduation, visit CPT Information

For information on work authorization off campus AFTER graduation, visit OPT Information

J-1 Work Authorization

J-1 International Students are only eligible to work at GVSU and only during their studies.

Academic Training (AT) is work authorization for J-1 students after program completion. Some J-1 students may be eligible for AT after their program ends. Students should make an appointment in their last semester to discuss eligibility. To schedule an appointment please email

Page last modified February 25, 2025