Precepting GVSU Students

Thank you for being a preceptor. As a preceptor with Grand Valley, you are looked upon as a teacher and mentor. Due to the fact that GVSU students are highly motivated to learn, being a teacher and mentor to our students is extremely rewarding. Preceptors not only provide students with invaluable exposure to the "real world" of health care but also influence the opinions and attitudes the students carry throughout their careers.     

How Preceptors Help Students

As a preceptor, you will provide both teaching and professional role modeling for the student. Preceptors supervise students' clinical activities and monitor their educational process. Specifically, you will assign patients, observe clinical skills, review documentation and serve as a resource for clinical questions and guidance.

How Preceptors Benefit

Clinical teaching encourages you to seek out and organize new knowledge. Yet, in spite of thorough preparation, students will push your expertise to its limits and compel you to reflect on your own limitations. Engaging in this process regularly can result in greater learning than teaching, making you a better clinician and providing patients with an overall better quality of care.

In addition to the personal satisfaction of preparing the next generation of skilled workers, there are professional and personal incentives that Grand Valley State University offers in return for sharing your invaluable expertise with our students. The Preceptor Perks program is specifically designated for our preceptors with the hope that you will take advantage of all it has to offer.

The Perks

Gratis university title as affiliated clinical or research faculty.

Preceptors will receive a coupon for $5 OFF a minimum purchase of $50 of GVSU Apparel & Gifts from the GVSU Laker Store upon successful enrollment in Preceptor Perks.

Processed at either of the Student Assistant Centers:

  • Downtown Campus - 115C DeVos Center Room
  • Allendale Campus - 150 Student Services Building

Driving Directions, Maps, and Parking Information

University library privileges with access to 650,000 print volumes, 60,000 electronic journals, and more than one million e-books.. Preceptors may use their GVSU ID card to check out materials at any of the GVSU libraries

50% off all GVSU athletic events with your GVSU ID.

GVSU Athletics

Receive access to the GVSU Fieldhouse during the semester a preceptor is assigned a student with the option for immediate family members to purchase a membership at the reduced Alumni rate. There is a $25 fee for your membership card. Parking permits are required for parking on the GVSU campus. A permit can be obtained at the GVSU Public Safety Office with a current membership card and driver's license for their time of membership.

Use the following links for the Fieldhouse membership and to request a parking permit.

Receive discounted greens fees Monday through Friday at The Meadows golf course in Allendale for Preceptors with a GVSU ID and up to three (3) guests; 18 holes for $22 per person or 9 holes for $15 per person.

Present your GVSU ID to the business at the time of purchase and follow any special instructions provided by the business.

Continuing education opportunities are offered in various forms specific to each program.

Grand Valley's Social Work Continuing Education office offers most of their continuing education events at a discount to social work preceptors.

The educational links listed below are resources that provide online sources for preceptors to utilize. All of these continuing education modules are specific to the preceptor role or the preceptor/student relationship.

  • Precepting - The Chance to Shape Nursing's Future. This is a fee-based continuing education online module.


To receive any of the above Preceptor Perks, please register using the following link:

Preceptor Perks Registration Link

Please allow two weeks for activation of your account. 

If you have any questions regarding the Preceptor Perks program, please contact Tyler Carlton at

Page last modified August 6, 2024