Who we are

At Grand Valley State University, Risk Management is a department within the Finance & Administration Division


The mission of Risk Management within Grand Valley State University is to proactively protect the human, financial, and physical assets of the University from adverse outcomes associated with unanticipated losses. We accomplish this by 1) understanding the risk financing marketplace and procuring appropriately designed products, and 2) assisting institutional stakeholders in the development of practices that foster awareness and management of exposures, including opportunity risks, at acceptable levels.


The Department takes a two-pronged approach to our Mission.

Insurance Programs: The Risk Management Department procures, monitors, and administers most of the University's commercially insured, collaboratively insured, and self-insured programs.

Risk Management: The Risk Management Department strives to encourage a risk-aware culture throughout the institution, collaborating with all university stakeholders on a variety of short and long-term projects to facilitate ethical decision-making.

Available additional services

  • Claim administration and coordination
  • Contract reviews - insurance terms & conditions 
  • Outward-facing communication with risk transfer partners on institutional changes and initiatives
  • Internal risk assessment conversations and tools
  • Seminars & training
  • Document issuance: COIs, Auto IDs, confirmation of coverage, etc


Contact Me:

Heather Taylor, ARM
Assistant Vice President Risk & Insurance Programs
(616) 331-9517   email: taylorh1@gvsu.edu

CliftonStrengths: Developer | Learner | Empathy | Adaptability | Context



Page last modified June 13, 2024