Departments & Undergraduate Majors


hand with pen, computer, calculator

School of Accounting degree programs are designed to put you on a successful path to a solid and active accounting career. If you are interested in becoming a certified public accountant, tax accountant, general accountant, internal auditor or related position, take a look around and see how our top quality education programs can help you find the accountant within.

Accounting Major

Accounting Minor

Accounting Major Guide

Accounting Career Guide




Economic chart

Economics is all around you. The Economics degree programs can help you understand the impacts and driving forces behind local and global economies, letting you play an important role in how the world works. Our bachelor programs offer general emphasis in economics, or choose a more specialized path in Real Estate or Business Administration. Degrees in Economics are offered as Bachelor's of Business Administration (BBA) or Bachelor's of Arts/Science (B.A/B.S.). Please review the major guides below for their different requirements. 

Economics Major

Economics Minor

Economics Major Guide, BA

Economics Major Guide, BS

Business Economics - General Major Guide, BBA

Business Economics - Real Estate Major Guide, BBA 

Economics Career Guide




Financial charts

Companies and organizations around the globe need competent, innovative financial experts to successfully manage and grow their business. A major in Finance prepares students for a wide variety of careers, including corporate finance, banking, financial planning, and investments. Seidman’s Finance program will help you master the financial concepts, relationships, and strategies you need to achieve your professional and personal finance goals.

Seidman provides faculty and student access to WRDS, CRSP, Compustat, CapIQ and Eventus to support their finance-related research.

Finance Major

Finance Major Guide

Finance Career Guide




people looking at a computer

With a management degree, students learn how to think critically, examine business practices and make improvements, create sustainable business programs, act ethically as a global citizen and shape a career as a respected business person. With courses in entrepreneurship, general management, general business, human resources management, operations management, supply chain management and information systems management (MIS), you will open the door to a world of business opportunities.

Management Major

Management Minor

General Business Minor

General Management Major Guide

General Business Major Guide

Human Resources Management Major Guide

Management Information Systems Emphasis Guide

Operations Management Major Guide

Supply Chain Management Major Guide

Management Career Guide



two people looking at a chart

The essence of marketing is knowing what consumers want and finding ways to meet their needs. Your Marketing education will merge psychology, sociology, technology, anthropology and business principles to provide a solid understanding of how the world buys and sells. Marketing jobs are everywhere: nearly half the U.S. economy is involved in the marketing process. 

Marketing Major

Marketing Minor

Marketing Major Guide

Marketing - Professional Sales Emphasis Guide

Marketing - Distributions & Logistics Emphasis Guide

Marketing Career Guide



In addition to individual major requirements, all Seidman students must meet the following criteria to graduate: 

  • 120 credit hours 
  • 2.500 Overall GPA
  • 2.500 Seidman GPA
  • Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) Courses

It is recommended to apply for graduation the semester before you intend to officially graduate and complete your coursework. If you have questions on your timeline to graduation contact Seidman Undergraduate Programs at or (616) 331-7500.

Page last modified January 15, 2025